Alumni Chapter of Washington, D.C.: Two Trains Running by August Wilson


Wednesday, April 25, 2018
7:30 – 10 p.m.
Arena Stage
1101 Sixth Street SW | Washington, D.C. | 20024

This spring, Arena Stage will host a vivid production of August Wilson's Two Trains Running. As many Rams know, Fordham shares a connection to August Wilson through alumnus Denzel Washington, FCLC ’77, who most recently brought Wilson's play Fences to life on the big screen in an Oscar-nominated film adaptation. 

Join us for a group outing to see Two Trains Running in D.C. at a special reduced rate of $47.25 per ticket. A limited number of tickets are available, so please reserve your space soon. You don't want to miss it! 

RSVP by April 23, 2018. Please note: Children under 5 are not allowed to attend this show.

Questions? Contact:
Deanna Howes Spiro