Unearthing Buried Narratives


Thursday, September 23, 2021 
5:30 p.m. EST
Zoom (link will be sent upon registration)

The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies presents: 
Unearthing Buried Narratives: Reconstructing the Experiences of Enslaved People Through Jesuit Records

Presented by Kelly M. Schmidt, Ph.D.

Recovering Catholic enslaved experience reveals new patterns about enslavement within the Catholic Church and the instrumental ways enslaved people formed community, resisted their enslavement, and shaped their faith. Prize-winning scholar Dr. Kelly L. Schmidt invites the audience to engage with records about enslaved people in Jesuit archives, cross-referencing them, and reading against the grain  to overcome limitations imposed when enslaved people were prevented from keeping records about their own lives. 

Kelly L. Schmidt is a public historian and digital humanist who specializes in African American history, slavery, race, and abolition in the United States. She received her doctorate in United States History and Public History from Loyola University Chicago. Among her many public history commitments, Kelly has served as research coordinator for the Jesuits' Slavery, History, Memory, and Reconciliation Project and worked for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.

Free and open to the public. This lecture will be virtual, and a Zoom link will be sent upon registration.

Registration is required. For more information, email cacs@fordham.edu.


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