Fordham-NYPL Lecture Series - David Assaf, Tel Aviv University


‘To My Beloved Teacher in Eretz Israel’: Childhood, Diaspora, and Zionism in Letters Written by Hebrew School Pupils in Interwar Poland

Monday, November 25, 2019
6  - 8 p.m.
McMahon Hall Room 109 | Lincoln Center Campus
155 West 60th Street | New York, NY | 10023

David Assaf will discuss a treasure trove of some ninety letters written in 1935 by Polish Jewish children (age 12-13) who studied in the Tarbut school north of Warsaw to their teacher who immigrated to Palestine. These moving letters of elementary school pupils (not young adults like those who participated in YIVO competitions for autobiographies) offer a very rare glimpse into childhood of Jewish children in interwar Poland.

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Fordham Jewish Studies