Faith, Reason, Theosis: The 2019 Patterson Triennial Conference


Presented by The Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University

There are many who see reason and theosis, or "deification," as mutually exclusive categories or approaches to theology, marking the difference between “Western” and “Eastern” Christianity. But is this understanding accurate, or is the relationship between reason and theosis more complex than is often assumed? The 13 speakers at this year's Patterson Triennial Conference will examine this question from Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant perspectives.

Featuring keynote lectures by
David Bentley Hart, University of Notre Dame
Rowan Williams, University of Cambridge
Jean Porter, University of Notre Dame

Other speakers include
William Abraham, Southern Methodist University  
Peter Bouteneff, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary  
Carolyn Chau, University of Western Ontario  
Robert Davis, Fordham University  
Stephen J. Davis, Yale University    
Philip Kariatlis, St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College     
Andrew Prevot, Boston College  
Ashley Purpura, Purdue University  
Kirsi Stjerna, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary  
Michele Watkins, University of San Diego  

The full conference schedule and speaker bios will be available at
Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus


Contact Information

Nathaniel Wood