Fordham at the Forefront of the Business of Sports


Monday, November 19, 2018

6 – 8 p.m.
12th-Floor Lounge 
Lowenstein Center
Lincoln Center Campus
113 West 60th Street
New York, NY 10023

Sports are part of Fordham's heritage. Its graduates have graced the field, the executive suite, and the broadcast booth. And just a few years ago, the Gabelli School of Business launched a Sports Business program that exposes students to cutting-edge issues.

In its half-decade of existence, students from this program have secured positions with Major League Baseball, the Mets, the Nets, the Yankees, the New York Road Runners, and other agencies and companies involved in sports marketing and finance.

Associate Professor Mark Conrad will speak about this program and also discuss several important issues in sports business: the professionalization of college sports, the NFL and social activism, and the future of sports governing bodies.

The event costs $25 per person and includes hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine, and soft drinks. You can purchase your autographed copy of Conrad’s book, The Business of Sports: A Primer for Journalists, upon registration or at the event.

Questions? Contact:
Sara Hunt Munoz